With this post, I want to acknowledge and thank an incredible young woman. And in the spirit of this blog, let me do it in the context of Reaching Your True Goals.
On Saturday, my daughter graduates from high school. In the fall, she'll be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Go 'Heels! Good thing she looks great in Carolina blue....).
Thirteen-plus years' ago, I watched a four year old little girl play in a room as her "application" to school. This year, she graduates. Great test scores. Great grades. Artist, photographer, athlete, service leader, peer leader, dedicated worker, music lover, elder in her church, friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter.

(She was the youngest artist in Atlanta - perhaps anywhere - to be selected to paint a "Cow Parade" cow. And she did it - even though, right after selection, she broke her arm playing kickball! Talk about executing on your goals...)
Did everything always go her way? Of course not. But I learned plenty from her. She never lost focus, no matter how discouraged she may have become. She knew what was important, what her "true goals" were. And she pursued them. Not to the exclusion of having fun (goodness, no!), but to achieve her goals "on time, within budget, and of the right quality."
Yes, the best of the best. Congratulations, Lacy. And thanks. You've taught your old man a lot over the last eighteen years. I'm looking forward to learning much more from you in the years to come.