It happens to the best of us - and it certainly has happened to me. Blogger's Block - that state when it is impossible to find something to write. Interestingly, Blogger's Block is like a lot of other blocks - if you attack it when it first appears, it's pretty easy to knock down and get past. But if you delay, put it off, avoid - guess what happens? That block gets bigger and more intimidating. Next thing you know, it's overwhelming. Weeks go by. No blog gets written. And there's a chance that the block will become permanent.
Yes, this story has parallels in the world of Strategy Execution. (Now, there's a surprise). When working to accomplish your goals, it is inevitable that hurdles will emerge - unexpected, real, significant and challenging. And, just like with Blogger's Block, those hurdles need to be attacked and overcome. They won't go away on their own and, if you don't knock them down, they will keep you from reaching your true goals.
Blogger's Block - attacked and conquered. At least for today... Stay tuned.
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