Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Oyster, the Grain of Sand, and the Pearl

It’s funny how a metaphor suddenly appears and yet is so obvious you wonder what took you so long to see it.

Over the last month, I’ve taken to joking that the name of my consulting firm should be changed to Oyster Consulting, because “We’re the grain of sand that irritates the hell out of everyone, but when we’re done, you’ve got a pearl.”

It’s amazing how true that is. 

Significant strategic change is never easy.  People resist, no matter how clear it is that the change is needed and it’s the right thing to do.  People are more comfortable with the Status Quo.

And because of that, change won’t happen without getting people out of their comfort zone. It is only then that people will be willing to move in the new direction.  Thus, the need for that grain of sand.  That grain of sand is so irritating, it makes people uncomfortable – uncomfortable enough to change.

Being the grain of sand from within an organization is career threatening.  Once the process is done, people won’t remember the benefit you delivered – they’ll just remember that you were really irritating.  That’s why bringing in the grain of sand from outside can be so valuable.  That outside grain can help irritate people, make change happen, and then leave. All that’s left behind is that beautiful pearl.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taking A Sharp Curve

You see it all the time. Companies that are great at running their business suddenly have something big go wrong.  The examples are endless:  System implementation failures, new product introductions gone wrong, an acquisition integration botched, an expansion plan scuttled.  But why? 


Companies spend most of their time racing down a straight line. They hire managers that are excellent at keeping things going in the right direction, making adjustments along the way.  They’ll even pick up speed, keeping their eye on the ball, working hard at accomplishing their goals. They’re good at it. 

But every so often, a company has to take a curve.  Sometimes by choice, more often pushed by conditions outside its control.  Not a little curve or a slight change, but a major-league, ninety-degree plus curve.   And that’s the problem.

Most companies are really bad at the sharp curves.  They don’t happen often.  They haven’t been built for them.  The management team isn’t skilled at navigating them.   So they struggle.  Eventually most get through the curve, but it takes much longer and costs a lot more than planned.  Sometimes they fail completely. 

Helping companies take the sharp curves.

Successful Strategy Execution uses a structured and disciplined process, strong sponsorship, a thorough understanding of execution risks, and a tool kit of tactics to mitigate those risks.  The right Strategy Execution approach enables companies to realize the goals of their most important initiatives on time and within budget.  

Use a specialist.  It’s all we do.  What looks like a sharp curve to you is our straightaway.  We’ll get you through it fast and efficiently and then leave you to do what you’re really good at – running the company, fast and strong, down a straight line.