Monday, August 6, 2012

Everyone can use a little luck (and help)

It has been a long-held belief that hard work and talent are important to succeed, yet a little luck is necessary as well.  Here's a new study, as noted in the New York Times that supports the hypothesis:  

Luck vs. Skill: Seeking the Secret of Your Success

Is it possible to "make" your own luck?  To a degree, yes.  You can work hard and be prepared.  You can think through alternatives scenarios and take appropriate actions.  You can "be in the right place at the right time."

But luck is, well, luck.  Is the perfect business partner (who you don't yet know) invited to the same event as you?  Does the right person introduce you?  Is your "perfect match" in the mood to hear what you have to say? 

No matter how completely you analyze everything, it is a simple truth that you cannot think through every possible scenario.  Even if you could, there are always variables outside of your (or anyone's) control.  When one of those variables break against you, you know it's bad luck:  

"We were supposed to meet for lunch, but an accident kept me from getting to the restaurant on time.  We couldn't reschedule for over a month - and by that time, we had lost the chance."

So what do you call it when everything lines up, and breaks in your favor?

Recognize and appreciate the role luck plays (or has played) in your success.  Pay it forward.  Think about whom you know who could benefit from a little kindness, generosity - or good luck.  Do your best to give it to them.  Today. 

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