Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Grateful Giving

The end of year is a good time to reflect on our own good fortune and redouble our efforts to do what we can for those in need.  With that in mind, I'd like to share a letter from the Executive Director of Decatur Cooperative Ministry, for which I am a board member. 

DCM is a forty-year old organization with a great mission and a misleading name.  DCM does not help only those in Decatur, is not truly a "cooperative," and is a ministry primarily in the context of being there to help others.  DCM's mission is simple:  
Like all non-profit organizations in these challenging times, DCM needs funds.  Please take a moment to read the following note.  If the message resonates with you, please consider a donation.  You can find out more about DCM at www.decaturcooperativeministry.org, and you can donate here: https://app.etapestry.com/hosted/DecaturCooperativeMinistry/OnlineDonation.html.  Thank you. 

Dear Friend:

Thank you for this opportunity to share information about the mission and programs of Decatur Cooperative Ministry (DCM). At DCM, we believe there is light at the end of the tunnel for families facing homelessness, and we want to help shine that light. By partnering with other mission-minded people and organizations, DCM helps families settle into safe, stable homes and build healthy lives filled with peace, hope and opportunity.

We carry out this critical mission through three programs:    
  •  Project Take Charge: a homelessness prevention program that helps families in danger of eviction stay in their homes through financial assistance, education and counseling. It includes special initiatives to help senior citizens and veterans facing homelessness. Additionally, it combats hunger through two food cooperatives and a food pantry. 
  • Hagar’s House: an emergency shelter and assessment center that provides 30 to 90 days of housing, hospitality, and services for women with children 
  • Family House: interim housing and comprehensive supportive services for six months or more to help families with multiple barriers to stability transition out of homelessness. 
These programs offer an array of vitally important, high quality services, but alone they are not enough to meet the many needs of most families experiencing homeless. That is why partners, who are equally committed to bringing hope, housing and wholeness, are critical to our mission. For more than 40 years, Decatur Cooperative Ministry has brought people together to serve the community. DCM partners with over 35 congregations from 14 different denominations/faith practices, schools and universities, private foundations, community groups, governmental entities, United Way, MARTA, and other nonprofits.

With support from our generous donors, volunteers and partners, here is how DCM helped families find their way to a brighter future last year:

  • Prevented eviction and/or loss of utilities for 144 DeKalb households. Over 85% of families that received financial assistance and counseling to avoid eviction were still stably housed when we checked in with them three months later.
  • Provided permanent food security to 30 households (mostly seniors) and provided emergency food for an additional 396 households.
  • Sheltered and supported 43 mothers and their children, over 75% of whom were able to move into more stable housing in less than 90 days.
  • Provided a temporary home, emotional support and services to 14 families participating in transitional housing; over half of participants were kids under age 13.

While these statistics speak to our success in providing real solutions for hundreds of parents and children in our community, we also know that there is so much more we can do with additional funds and resources. In that spirit, we respectfully ask that you consider making a donation to Decatur Cooperative Ministry. 

We welcome the opportunity to share more about our programs and partnerships and to give you a tour of our facilities.   Again, many thanks for your time and consideration.  
Yours sincerely,

Beth Vann-Turnbull
Executive Director

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